Our Bundles

We have constructed some Bundles because our goal is to Empower you to fulfill God's Purpose and Plan for your life. These books are relevant and Inspire Hope. Our goal is for His Kingdom to come to the earth. His Kingdom comes to the earth when people surrender their lives for His Purpose and His Plan. These Bundles will Empower you in a new Relationship with the True and Living God and He will begin to speak to you in ways He has never spoken to you before.

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Thank you for your interest in the G3 Giveaway! We have modified our Giveaway and are now offering the four eBooks with a 50% Discount. The Giveaway was viable for one full year and many people took advantage of it. However, the Lord is directing us to provide the eBooks at a 50% Discount moving forward. We thank you for your interest.


This is God's Gift to you! We are excited to fulfill the Lord’s mandate to build a Global Army of Believers that wield His Power and Authority. God wants you to be familiar with His “Spiritual Assets”. Please accept these gifts and the Lord will commence a new Relationship with you and grow you to reach the Measure of the Stature of Christ’s Fullness (Ephesians 4). He was the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily. It is only through deception that we have not understood this. This has always been the Father’s goal for you. These books inspire “Hope” based upon “Divine Truth”.

*No Donation Required But Appreciated*

God Empowered Men & Women!!!

2 eBooks... Purchase Both for Immediate Download... In One Place! At a Discounted Price!

Men... GOD's Representative: The Truth About Males

Women... GOD's "Secret" Weapon


This is a Bundle that gives great insight and understanding to God's Original Plan for the Male and the Female. It also allows you to understand that the division between the genders is satanic and in opposition to the Will of God.

Men, you will be Empowered to know God's Will for your lives.

Women, you will understand that you are Essential and Central to the Plan of God.

Together as One Unit, being joined together by God, you will be able to defeat the powers of darkness and usher in His Kingdom onto planet earth.

FREE Giveaways!!!

FREE Giveaway Bundle!

Free Giveaway Bundle (3 eBooks)... Get them all for Immediate Download... In One Place!

Loving God Back

Thy Kingdom Come

God the Great Communicator


God desires that you Know Him. These books are developed to Empower the reader to understand how to "Love" God from His Perspective, to reveal the Significance of His Kingdom manifesting through His Plans and Purposes, and to recognize the many ways that God Communicates with people worldwide.

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God’s Purpose

2 eBooks... Purchase Both for Immediate Download... In One Place! At a Discounted Price!

God's Global Agenda: A Revelation of Eternity and the Eternal God’s Plan for Man on Earth

God's Eternal Agenda: A Revelation of Eternity and the Eternal God’s Plan for Man in His Kingdom


This Bundle was constructed and designed for you to understand God's Global Agenda and God’s Eternal Agenda. The Christ came to inform us concerning these two topics and yet there is a great deal of ignorance about them.

God wants us to not only know what He is doing but to “KNOW” Him. These books Inspire Hope based upon Divine Revelation and Truth. These books also Empower you in your personal Relationship with God.

Eternal Man & Woman

4 eBooks... Purchase All Four for Immediate Download... In One Place! At a Discounted Price!

Men... GOD's Representative: The Truth About Males

Women... GOD's "Secret" Weapon

God's Global Agenda: A Revelation of Eternity and the Eternal God’s Plan for Man on Earth

God's Eternal Agenda: A Revelation of Eternity and the Eternal God’s Plan for Man in His Kingdom



We have constructed this Bundle to provide you with the Understanding of God’s Eternal Plan for Men and Women. God Empowers each gender to fulfill His Will.