G3 - The Great God's $1 Billion Discounted Giveaway - 50% Off

Thank you for your interest in the G3 Giveaway! We have modified our Giveaway and are now offering the four eBooks with a 50% Discount. The Giveaway was viable for one full year and many people took advantage of it. However, the Lord is directing us to provide the eBooks at a 50% Discount moving forward. We thank you for your interest.
We are excited to fulfill the Lord’s mandate to build a Global Army of Believers that wield His Power and Authority, God wants you to be familiar with His “Spiritual Assets”. Please accept these gifts and the Lord will commence a new Relationship with you and grow you to reach the measure of the stature of Christ’s Fullness (Ephesians 4). He was the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily. It is only through deception that we have not understood this. This has always been the Father’s goal for you. These books inspire “Hope” based upon “Divine Truth”.
*No Donation Required but Appreciated*
A Spiritual Commentary and Interpretation of the Vision filled Book of the Revelation of Jesus, the Christ. This is the only book of the Bible that promises a blessing to read it. Yet due to “carnal minds” and the devices of the devil, this is the most “feared” book to read. “What Time Is It?” includes the combo book of “The Entrance into the Spiritual Realm”, which proves to the reader that you are a Spiritual Being with powers and abilities far beyond what you have been told. This is God’s “Battle Plan” for you in the End-Times. There is also a Training Manual to “What Time Is It?” available if you desire to purchase it.

This is Part Two of “God’s Battle Plan” for us during this critical time of human history. “What Time Is It?” is Part One. I do not predict the “Day” or “Hour,” but endeavor to empower you in your Relationship with the One who knows the “Day” and “Hour” of His coming. However, we don’t need to know the “Day” or “Hour” to know the year, month, or week of His coming. Holy Spirit’s job is to prepare you and keep you filled with oil (Matthew 25). He is the Spirit of the Father and knows the “Day” and “Hour.” This is God’s “Battle Plan” for you in the End-Times. There is also a Training Manual available for “It Is Time”, if you desire to purchase it.
Includes and reveals the “Truth” about God’s Heavenly Realm and Plan. The author shares Visitations to Heaven, Spiritual Experiences with God on earth and Prophetic Experiences in Hell with the reader; disclosing the Truth concerning Spiritual Assets (God’s Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Plan, Design etc.). The purpose is to reveal to you that you can have these experiences, not to persuade you of the author’s experiences.

This book Empowers you with Understanding to enhance your Relationship with the Lord. Special emphasis is placed on God’s Desire to have a true “intimate” Relationship with you. You will one day spend Eternity with Him and knowing how to cultivate that Relationship is His desire.
There are Four Ways to Support Us:
1. Share with others the “Giveaway” so they can receive these gifts (for free)!
2. Purchase print books from us as you desire.
3. Become a Strategic Partner.
4. You can make a Tax-deductible Donation to Kevin Alexander Ministries, Inc., as the Lord leads you, and you desire to Support our Global efforts to build the “Army of God”.
Each level of Support entitles you to share with us in the "Eternal Fruit" that will be produced by touching the lives of people. This is God's Desire and Global Plan. We will be giving an eBook that God chooses for the next 30 months, starting in June 2022, to all End-Time Harvesters. Also, we will hold Training Meetings for those who desire to reach out to others. If you desire to participate in this Training, please contact us. May the Almighty God richly Bless you!
We have a Special Teaching regarding The Great God’s $1 Billion Giveaway at https://youtu.be/oeY08SUQFgg
You can Join our End-Time Harvesters Group:
1. There is no financial requirement.
2. Starting June 2022, you will receive an eBook every month.
3. You will receive ongoing Training.
Eternally yours,
Kevin Alexander